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Defensive players don’t get much love in fantasy football. Luckily for some, this isn’t always the case. For those in leagues with IDPs…I give you…yes…IDP rankings. These are aggregated (and weighted based on past success of each analyst) to provide the best picture possible (thanks fantasydata).

Many lesser mortals would stick tiers on top of this. I’m not going to do that. Simply look at the natural drops as you progress down the list- that shows you where the “tiers” start and stop. I believe it is much more important to take note of the progression as you move along. Note how much you drop and how. In other words, you’ll notice a step drop for the first two players. After a few down you’ll notice that it is fairly flat. It should be noted that those players significantly above the rest of the pack should be looked at in the same way as you would a wide receiver (or any other position). Getting a consistent 1-2 more points over your opponent with an IDP is just as good as if that 1-2 came from your WR or RB.

Scores & Stats by FantasyData




  1. Smith also describes himself as AccuWeather’s vice president of international strategy on his LinkedIn page.

  2. My husband, Christopher Baker, is a project executive at the Weidt Group, a Minnesota-based company that offers some similar services to EnergyCap.

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